Testing water soluble oil paint.

Testing Water soluble oil paint For those who share their studio area in the same floor with the living area, have a septic field independent of county facilities, or, who have over the years developed skin reactions for hazardous solvents, water soluble oils may provide perfect solution. Water soluble oil paint is oil paint that has been formulated to dissolve with water, without the aid of traditional oil solvents. For the purposes of this exercise I used Windsor & Newton Artisan Water Mixable Oil Colours, black and white, accompanied with Water mixable thinner and stand oil. I painted on a Masonite board which I gessoed, sanded, and wiped clean. I toned the board with a layer of yellow casein. The test subject is a photograph of a bust of Alfred Lord Tennyson by William Ordway Partridge. To begin, I mixed gray scale on my palette to get starting values correct, then I would blend the variation of light directly on the painting. Neither the thinner nor the stand oil w...